
Weisses Blut

Fic Recommendations
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Feuer Frei - Things I like
Lagebericht - Updates

Beware, many of the stories contained below contain slash relationships with varying degrees of explicitness.  Slash means male/male relationships, or female/female relationships.  Since we're all grown ups here, please don't get offended, and since I've warned you, don't come crying to me.

m/m slash

The Belt

Characters: Kane, RVD, mentions of others
Rating: PG-12
Summary:  Kane holds tightly to the tag team title belt.

Wicked Inside

Characters: Kane (and RVD)
Rating: 12-15, the words aren't bad, but what's suggested is.
Summary: A race through a dark place.

A World Of Difference

Major Characters: Hulk Hogan, Edge, Christian
Minor Characters: Rico, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, Tazz
Written for the Twilight Zone challenge - take a Twilight Zone episode and re-write it featuring wrestlers.

Odd Man Out

Rating: PG-12, nothing too bad.
Characters: Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak
Summary: Chuck being jealous.

The Worst of It

Rating: PG-12
Characters: Jindrak, Cade, Orton
Summary:Seeing your friends hurting is never nice, even if they seem to like it.

Welcome Back

Characters: Evolution
Rating: 15/R Pre-smut
Summary: Evolution welcome back one of their own in their own inimitable fashion.


 Characters: Evolution - the main pairing is Batista/Randy Orton.
Rating: 15 - no onscreen sex but strong mentions of it.
Summary: Love and lies, the Evolution way.

Late Night, Drunk and Maudlin

Characters: Ron Simmonds/Bradshaw
Rating: 12/15 - some swearing and hints at a sexual relationship. Oh and drinking.
Summary: At the end of a bad day there seems to be nowhere to go except to the bottom of the nearest glass of beer.

Dreams Descending

Characters: Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier.
Rating: Hard R - masturbation and a blow job.
Spoilers: Only for the lottery.
Summary: Fantasies have a habit of getting the better of you.

Beer And Forgiveness

Characters: Bradshaw and Charlie Haas, with more than a few mentions of Ron Simmons and Shelton Benjamin.
Rating: 12 - one slightly naughty phrase and rampaging alcohol missuse.
Spoilers: Smackdown 18/03/2004
Summary: Truth, drink and subtle suggestions.

A Plan Too Far

Characters: Ric/Randy and the rest of Evolution.
Rating: PG-13, just some mention of m/m.
Notes: Set between Summerslam and Unforgiven 2004. Comments, complaints and critiques are warmly accepted.
Summary: This plan might just not be a good thing.

Never Been Tested, Don't Think I Would Pass

Characters: Rob Conway (his POV), Sylvain Grenier and Rene Dupree.
Rating: PG-12
Summary: Right and wrong and what you want don't always go together.

Handling the Outcome

Characters: Mark Jindrak/Randy Orton
Rating: I'm not sure - 15, for strong suggestions of an m/m relationship and infrequent strong language.
Genre: Comedy and a little drama.
Spoilers: Up to Smackdown 25/03/04 which was the Smackdown after the Lottery.
Summary: There are always consequences.

Standing At A Doorframe

Characters: Jericho/Benoit, various others
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a short piece of fluff about being in love.

Suprise Night

Characters: Randy Orton/Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels
Rating: PG - really nothing offensive.
Summary: Shawn looks after Randy following his collapse at Raw on 1st February 2005, but he doesn't have the whole picture.

Don't Ask For the Moon

Characters: Sylvan Grenier/Rene Dupree
Rating: PG-13 at most, and that's for some really flowery description.
Summary: After the second draft lottery, things have to change.

No Credit For Tchaikovsky

Characters: Tajiri/Jamie Noble
Rating: PG at most.  Very tame.
Summary: A moment of happiness at a piano.

In The Middle

Characters: La Resistance (or rather, Sylvain Grenier, Rob Conway and Rene Dupree)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Sylvain doesn't thrive on uncertainty

Chance Won't Come Again

Characters: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Ron Simmons.
Rating: 15 - One strong swearword and a whole lot of 'damn's.
Summary: Possibilities are endless. Moments aren't.  (Spoilers for SD 18/3/2004 and 25/03/2004)

Feeling That Just Won't Quit

Characters: Alex Shelley/Kevin Nash
Rating: 15 - For language
Summary: I shouldn't want to be your dog.

The Moth Don't Care If The Flame Is Real

Characters: Randy Orton, Ric Flair, OMC
Pairings: Ric/Randy, Randy/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Twenty-five years into the future some things have changed.  Is Randy willing to move with the times or is there something holding him back?

A Bad Night

Characters: William Regal/Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett.
Rating: 12
Summary: An Edwardian AU

f/f slash

Hush Your Mouth

Characters: Ivory and Jacqueline
Summary:  HLA, lingerie photoshoots and Tough Enough - it's all grist to the mill.

Wrestling Het Fic


Characters: Torrie/a Billy
Rating: 15 for sex and Playboy mentions
Genre: Slice of life

Valentine's Present

Characters: Dawn Marie/John Cena
Rating: NC-17
An attempt at rap-style het smut.

Gen Fic


Gold Fever

Randy Orton, Chris Benoit, mentions of the rest of Evolution.
Wanting the World Title makes people do strange things.  Randy is caught between two of the stranger events.

One Step Too Far

Billy Kidman, Paul London, mention of others.
Kidman only needed to take one more step, but could he do it?

True Believers

John Heidenreich, Paul Heyman with a cameo from Jim Cornette


Just when Heidenreich is at his lowest, another believer in him turns up.

Tea And Wrestlemania

Molly Holly, William Regal

U, really

Comfort after Molly's Wrestlemania XX match.

Never Underestimate Michael Cole

Michael Cole, Tazz, assorted others


Set after Smackdown of the ninth of June 2005, there are times when a man's got to do what a man's go to do, even if it's not the man you expect.

Clothes My Forefathers Wore

Sonny Siaki, Simon Diamond, mentions of Glenn Gilberti, Johnny Swinger and Trinity

12 for swearing

A man's heritage is not to be trifled with

They Call This Denial

Chris Harris, Gail Kim and James Storm


Chris couldn't rage against James when he was too busy raging against himself for being useless. (Set around the 4th of January 2007.)

What No One Believes

Jesse and Festus


There were lots of things that Jesse didn't tell people, because he knew they wouldn't believe him.  (Spoilers up to February 2008)

We Are Icarus

Christopher Daniels and Chris Harris


Some want to fly too close to the sun, while others are scared of getting burnt.  Set during the Feast or Fired match at Turning Point 2007.

In Changing Changes Them

Christian and Edge


There's enough water under the bridge for Christian to finally let their split go, but Edge still hangs on to what could have been.

50 Kinky Ways Livejournal challenge - I've set up a seperate page to list these to try to prevent this page from becoming all cluttered up.

50 Kinky Ways

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