m/m slash
The Belt
Characters: Kane, RVD, mentions of others
Rating: PG-12
Summary: Kane holds tightly to the tag team title belt.
Wicked Inside
Characters: Kane (and RVD)
Rating: 12-15, the words aren't bad, but what's suggested is.
Summary: A race through a dark place.
A World Of Difference
Major Characters: Hulk Hogan, Edge, Christian
Minor Characters: Rico, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, Tazz
Written for the Twilight Zone challenge - take a Twilight Zone episode
and re-write it featuring wrestlers.
Odd Man Out
Rating: PG-12, nothing too bad.
Characters: Chuck Palumbo, Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak
Summary: Chuck being jealous.
The Worst of It
Rating: PG-12
Characters: Jindrak, Cade, Orton
Summary:Seeing your friends hurting is never nice, even if they seem
to like it.
Welcome Back
Characters: Evolution
Rating: 15/R Pre-smut
Summary: Evolution welcome back one of their own in their own inimitable
Characters: Evolution - the main pairing is Batista/Randy
Rating: 15 - no onscreen sex but strong mentions of it.
Summary: Love and lies, the Evolution way.
Late Night, Drunk and Maudlin
Characters: Ron Simmonds/Bradshaw
Rating: 12/15 - some swearing and hints at a sexual relationship.
Oh and drinking.
Summary: At the end of a bad day there seems to be nowhere to go
except to the bottom of the nearest glass of beer.
Dreams Descending
Characters: Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier.
Rating: Hard R - masturbation and a blow job. Spoilers: Only
for the lottery. Summary: Fantasies have a habit of getting the better of you.
Beer And Forgiveness
Characters: Bradshaw and Charlie Haas, with more than a few mentions
of Ron Simmons and Shelton Benjamin. Rating: 12 - one slightly naughty phrase and rampaging alcohol missuse. Spoilers:
Smackdown 18/03/2004 Summary: Truth, drink and subtle suggestions.
A Plan Too Far
Characters: Ric/Randy and the rest of Evolution. Rating: PG-13,
just some mention of m/m. Notes: Set between Summerslam and Unforgiven 2004. Comments, complaints and critiques are warmly
accepted. Summary: This plan might just not be a good thing.
Never Been Tested, Don't Think I Would Pass
Characters: Rob Conway (his POV), Sylvain Grenier and Rene Dupree. Rating:
PG-12 Summary: Right and wrong and what you want don't always go together.
Handling the Outcome
Characters: Mark Jindrak/Randy Orton Rating: I'm not sure - 15,
for strong suggestions of an m/m relationship and infrequent strong language. Genre: Comedy and a little drama. Spoilers:
Up to Smackdown 25/03/04 which was the Smackdown after the Lottery. Summary: There are always consequences.
Standing At A Doorframe
Characters: Jericho/Benoit, various others
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a short piece of fluff about being in love.
Suprise Night
Characters: Randy Orton/Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels
Rating: PG - really nothing offensive. Summary: Shawn looks after Randy
following his collapse at Raw on 1st February 2005, but he doesn't have the whole picture.
Don't Ask For the Moon
Characters: Sylvan Grenier/Rene Dupree Rating: PG-13 at most, and that's
for some really flowery description. Summary: After the second draft lottery, things have to change.
No Credit For Tchaikovsky
Characters: Tajiri/Jamie Noble Rating: PG at most. Very tame. Summary: A moment of happiness
at a piano.
In The Middle
Characters: La Resistance (or rather, Sylvain Grenier, Rob Conway and Rene Dupree) Rating: PG-13 Summary:
Sylvain doesn't thrive on uncertainty
Chance Won't Come Again
Characters: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Ron Simmons.
Rating: 15 - One strong swearword and a whole lot of 'damn's.
Summary: Possibilities are endless. Moments aren't. (Spoilers for SD 18/3/2004 and 25/03/2004)
Feeling That Just Won't Quit
Characters: Alex Shelley/Kevin Nash
Rating: 15 - For language
Summary: I shouldn't want to be your dog.
The Moth Don't Care If The Flame Is Real
Characters: Randy Orton, Ric Flair, OMC
Pairings: Ric/Randy, Randy/OMC
Rating: NC-17 Summary: Twenty-five years into the future some things have changed. Is Randy willing to move
with the times or is there something holding him back?
A Bad Night
Characters: William
Regal/Chris Jericho and Wade Barrett. Rating: 12 Summary:
An Edwardian AU