Why Feuer Frei? Because the literal translation is Free of Fire. Fire is made from flames and since I like
this stuff, I wouldn't be flaming it. It be madness yet there be method in't.
Ah yes, anime. One of my friends got me hooked on this style of animation. And when I say hooked I mean hooked,
I'm talking cold sweats when I miss episodes. The ones I like are discussed in this section. And oh, yeah, I've
only ever been able to see them as dubs so any comments about the voice are about the American voiceovers. (No, I'm
not too stupid to read subtitles, I just don't have the money to spend on the DVDs or the import videos to get subtitles-
oh and plus in some cases, I actually quite like some of the dub voices, some I don't, but a fair few I do.)
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