True Believers
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Author: Red Fiona
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, WWE do. Nothing to do with real life. This is not real. It is fiction. No money is being made.

Characters: John Heidenreich, Paul Heyman with a cameo from Jim Cornette
Genre: Gen, kind of wierd fic if only due to the characters. Heidenreich narrates.
Rating: PG.


He could hear the water running down the outside of the walls. It never seemed to stop raining here.

How had it come to this? He was a never-was before he'd even had a chance to show his worth, a never was before he'd ever been. He was stuck here, and it wasn't going to change. And then they'd release him after a year or so, and he'd have to go back to the real world. And he really didn't want that. The very thought of it made him angry, gave him a burning, hopeless feeling in his chest.

Maybe that was why he'd been called in. Maybe they'd terminated his contract and he was being let go here and now.

He saw that Cornette was walking out of his office with Paul Heyman.
"Well here he is." Cornette plainly disagreed with whatever was going to happen.
"Hello Mr. Heidenreich, may I call you John? John then. You know who I am, I'm Paul Heyman. I manage champions. I want to manage you. I want to take you to the extent of your capabilities, and I firmly believe that this could easily include winning the WWE championship."

Here was someone else who believed. Someone else who thought that he could be the one, the man, the champion. No one else believed in him. No one. Not even Jim Cornette. And if the head man here didn't think you could do it, what chance did you have? Then suddenly there was this man, this legend, someone who really had done the things he boasted of, and he believed it, he believed in Heidenreich.

That belief, the power of someone else seeing the same possibilities as he did, it made him feel better, it made him feel stronger. All pain inside subsided for a moment. A moment of clarity. Here was a man who believed. Here was a man who could make it happen if nothing got in his way. And he would destroy anything that might get in the way of this visionary.

Paul Heyman believed in him and he believed in Paul Heyman. There was nothing they couldn't do.


The End

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