Standing At A Doorframe
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Author: Red Fiona
Disclaimer: The characters belong to WWE RAW and themselves, not me. No money being made. Nothing to do with real life. This is not real. It is fiction.

Characters: Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho, various others.
Rating: PG
Genre: Just short and sweet fluff.
Notes: Sorry it's so short.

From where I'm standing I can see Chris talking to Christian and Edge and, I'm presuming, Rhyno, given that the only thing I can see of him is dark hair, but who else is it going to be?

And they really are listening intently to what he's saying even though it's nothing important. That's a gift, one that I definitely haven't got. Who'd listen to me chattering away about nothing, not that I do. I suppose that could be it, I'm no good at it because I don't practise.

No, that's not it. I just haven't got the gift of the gab. He's got it though, they're laughing at whatever he's talking about.

His hair is falling down the baby blue shirt he's wearing, one I think Trish bought him for Christmas, and it looks good. There are times when I wish I had hair like him, hair that didn't fluff up or wasn't receding madly.

I leave the doorframe that I'm leaning on, and move towards where they're all standing, well Chris is standing, the others, and it is Rhyno now that I can see him properly, are sitting. Chris has got that glint in his eye that says whatever story he's telling is going to get very dirty before it finishes. It looks good on him that glint. But what expression doesn't? Even from this angle he looks good, and it is an unflattering angle. Not that it matters what angle you look at me from, I look just as bad from all of them, a nose that's been broken twice too often, tooth that's more obvious in it's absence.

"Finally, Chris. How long does it take you get a few drinks from the kitchen?" I'd gone to get the drinks the minute I heard people at the door, Chris had said he'd invited a few people round, of course he didn't say who so I just grabbed five drinks. At worst, I thought, I'd have to go back and get some more.

Once I've handed over the drinks I've fetched from the fridge to the others, Chris takes his from me. He's got his favourite hideous fruit juice thing in his left hand while his right hand makes its way round my right hip and rests there, hand basically in my pocket.

"Right, now what was I saying?"

And once he starts back on the story, and it really does get filthy, it doesn't matter what I'm not. I'm here, that's enough.

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