Another Piece Of The Puzzle
Fandom: Sherlock Disclaimer: Not mine. No money being made from this. Characters/Pairings: John Watson, Mycroft Rating:
PG Warnings/Spoilers: Character death
Notes: Written mid-way through season 1
Summary: Mycroft protects his brother whether he wants it or not. The same applies to anything and anyone that belongs
to his brother.
Holmes At Christmas
Sherlock Disclaimer: Not mine. No money being made from this. Characters/Pairings: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, a brief
appearance from Mycroft Rating: 15, mostly for drug use
Set between seasons 1 and 2. Summary: Sherlock trusts John with his own life,
but doesn't trust himself with John's.
Tea And Sweetmeats
Fandoms: Sherlock and Inception Disclaimer: Not mine. No money being made from this. Characters/Pairings: Saito
and Mycroft Rating: G
Summary: Sherlock (BBC)/Inception, Mycroft&Saito, they meet once a month to discuss world domination over tea