Whistles In The Wind
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Characters: Donna Noble
Disclaimer: Not mine, all the BBC's.  No money being made from this.
Rating/Content: G-rated gen
Spoilers: Up to the end of season 4.
Summary: She hears it in the winter.

It was nearly Christmas again when it started, a sort of ringing in her ears. She'd think it was tinitus, except she'd not been out clubbing in ages, not since Aisha's birthday and that had been in June. Well she thought it had been June, but her memory got a bit foggy about the last year. The GP had assured her that there was nothing wrong, and she could remember everything else fine.

Still, she'd gone back for a check-up just in case. She'd no idea what kind of thing could cause memory loss and ringing ears but it couldn't have been anything good.

The doctor gave her the all clear again, and so had the hearing test at Boots when she'd gone there for a second opinion.

The ringing only got worse the colder and windier it got, and what with the storms hitting Britain at the minute, that meant it was pretty bad.

Or constant rather because, once you got used to it being there, it was quite a pleasant sound, a ringing tune almost, better than the rubbish in the charts anyway. There was something comforting to it, like it was trying to make up for something that Donna didn't even know she missed.

She was just going to have to get used to it.

The End

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