Batman Begins
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Rating: 15 I think but possibly 12 since it although there was lots of violence there wasn't any nudity.
Viewed: 5th June, 2005

Let me just get the eeeeing out of my system now. Because it was good. It reminds me a lot of The Animated Series, which is my favourite version of the Batman myth.

First reason for cheerfulness - the fight scenes. They weren't just plausible, they were do-able. After putting up with years of Matrix inspired physically impossible fight scenes this makes me very, very happy. Actually much love for Christopher Nolan for not relying on SFX too much.

Okay, I might have been a little wary of Christian Bale being Batman but I think I have to admit to worrying over nothing. Because the one major fear about him not looking Bat enough in the suit were entirely unnecessary. I knew I didn't need to worry about the rest of it ;). Plus was I the only one who freaked when he used the Bateman smile when he was pretending to be Playboy Bruce? But it was good freaking.

Ras Ah Ghul, which I have mis-spelt hideously, was perfect. He was always one of my favourite villans and I like how they made him mysterious and powerful. I even loved the twist, even if I may have been the only one not to get it before it was revealed. Loved the set for his lair too.

The flashbacks worked. Especially the one with Bruce and Alfred after the funeral. I nearly cried. Michael Caine was brilliant in this. He may never replace Alan Napier in my heart but he'll do as a decent second place.

Plus it's nice to see Linus Roache getting work.

However the opera flashback was the one thing that annoyed me. That wasn't Die Fledermaus, because Die Fledermaus is a comic opera, not something stupidly heavy. I'm actually guessing that was either Gounod's Faust or something apeing it.

That wasn't Gary Oldman, that was Jim Gordon as he lives and breathes. Sorry, that was just perfect casting.

Oh, so that's Katie Holmes. Sorry is out of the loop somewhat.
Why the hell have they got Tom Wilkinson playing Carmine Falcone. Not that he isn't good, but still.

Loved how they put together the Bat gear and all the little practical details. Also loved appearances by Morgan Freeman and Rutger Hauer. Actually, can I just squee over Rutger Hauer being in the last two films I've seen at the cinema, someone in Hollywood likes me. I especially liked the banter between Fox and Wayne.

It also reminded me of why I like Batman. He doesn't have superpowers. He has brains and money and uses them. I <3 Batman so very, very much.

Also, the Bat costume, it rocked.

Was hideously amused by the Scarecrow. As several people have previously mentioned, Cillian Murphy is very, very, very pretty.

The little kid character was so obviously an innocent in danger insert. But it worked.

I'm in such love with Alfred after he rescued Bruce from the fire.

Much love for Jim Gordon all around. Especially when trying to cope with the Batmobile.

I really liked the way Ras Ah Ghul accepted his fate. I much prefer that to the usual scrabbling, plus it was in character.

I also liked the way Rachel was neither uber-heroic chick, nor the usual weak-brained femme girl. She seemed infinite plausible too. Got to love Batman's reaction to her tazering him though.

Plus that end scene. Oh yeah, they nailed that. I was really worried that they'd cop out and put them together and they didn't. They had them in love with each other and not together and perfect. With reasonable issues. And just yes.

Oddly enough other than eeee! my main comment is how much better this was than Spiderman 1 or 2, because of the plausibility, because of less reliance of SFX.

Loved it, loved it, loved it.

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