Sin City
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Rated: 18
Viewed on: 27th June, 2005

I had the usual OMGWOW!! reaction everyone else did. Because really, what's not to love in this film. The look, the style, the direction, the music, the actors, the way Frank Millar's dialogue/script made me want to yell Dashiell Hammett/Raymond Chandler lives. Really I was in Noir heaven for a couple of hours.

I could go on and on and on about how much I love Robert Rodriguez (even if I can't spell his name right).

Much love to the actors for being able to play those lines, especially Clive Owen, because they could have sounded so wrong but they came out so right. I mean really, part way through both Hartigan and Marv's stories I was all 'Bogart lives'. And just eeee!

I am madly in love with Hartigan and Marv. Especially Marv.

The first segment was just wow. As was Hartigan's first segment. Damn if I didn't want to hit Michael Madsen myself. Really loved the two double-speaking goons.  Oh yeah, with the exception of some lead characters, people are getting their real names because I didn't catch half the characters' names.

Such love for Marv. His whole look and the jumping and the unstoppable obsessive revenge. And his parole officer and the shade of black/grey/red that everyone was shot in and that the characters were. It was like watching a cartoon with real actors in.

Really loved the pills and the worry and Marv.

BTW was Elijah Wood not the creepiest thing ever. Especially once he was tied up.

Rutger Hauer!!! EEEEEEE! That man does a fine line in insane.

I did not start sniffling at the end of Marv's segment, I didn't I tell you. (Okay so I did but...)

Dwight rocked. In a really scary way. While Benico Del Toro was skeevy in a scary way.

Okay answer me one question - why in the name of all that is unholy would Dwight go back to Brittany Murphy if he could have Gail? 'Cause I sure as hell wouldn't.

The main thing I loved about this film - it's like they made a film to cater to all my favourite things. Big themes of love, honour, betrayal, duty, the difference between good guys, bad guys, good men and bad men, and the infinite possibility of being a good guy and a bad man and vice versa. Stylishly filmed. Brilliant actors. So very well made. Half naked women.

The whole thing with Dwight, the story and the flick knife and the way he moved, talked and was shot, was so very comic book cool. Especially Miho and Dwight's mind coming up with a talking Jackie-boy. Even if I could have done without the Scottish actors playing Irish characters and, yes, it would have been obvious even if I didn't recognise the actor in question.

BTW Clive Owen and Rosario Dawson together = so very fucking hot.

Hartigan part 2 just about broke my heart. Really, really it did. Especially the end. Did love the reappearance of the over-talkative goons though.  They hadn't learnt, had they?

And the ending rocks too.

Although if anyone has read the comics, just one question, what's the order of the tales supposed to be?

Because the only way it seems to work is if it's Hartigan part 1, Hartigan part 2, most of Marv, Dwight, Marv's execution. But I'm not certain if or how Hartigan 2 and Marv intersect at all, and I realise it's not important but I like to have these things sorted in my head.

That's another one for the DVD list though, definitely.

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