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Ah yes, Escaflowne or whatever the full title is (It's something to do with girls and mystic moons)
I first got into this because I'd saw that it was going to be on Fox Kids and I'd heard its name being bandied around as being a good series.  So I watched.
First to the problems - because I was watching on Fox Kids I only got to hear the American version of the theme tune (I like it actually) and not the proper one which I am assured is 500 times better.
Also its refered to as the dub of doom for a reason.  As with DBZ there are cuts followed by more cuts followed by even more cuts, and trying to follow what happens does get a little confusing.
But all in all, it's a good series.

My favourite character in the series is Folken, one of Dornkirk's chief henchmen, part mechanical and in many ways the most tragic character in the entire series.  Not that he'll ever say that.  No while everyone else is doing the 'woe is me' bit, he tends to hide in shadows and plan.
He is one of the few occasional restraining influences on Dilandau, very, very occasionally, and in one of the not exactly twists of the series is also Van's brother.
He's one of these torn characters normally found in animes, who I tend to like because they are rather interesting.  That is another thing in favour of Escaflowne, while the good guys may be rather bland and in the case of Hitomi rather annoying, all of the bad guys have so many shades of grey.  Even Dornkirk.
So why Folken?  Well first he doesn't spend the entire series mooning over Hitomi (sorry, I will never see the attraction of that girl), and secondly he is so calm and controlled.  He never gives anything away.  And then there are the catgirls.  It's always the catgirls.  The way he treats Eriya and Neriya is so out of character for a bad guy, and he's always so concerned about them.  That he was kind enough to them to earn their unswerving loyalty must also mean something.

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