Fic Recommendations
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Here be the fanfic.  Before you continue, please read the disclaimer.
Thank you, and sorry for sounding like my mother.

Lord of the Rings Fanfiction

Not a Perfect World

No More Shall I Fail Him

Harry Potter Fan Fiction


Summary: Professor McGonagall reflects on her first term in charge of Hogwarts.  Unfortunately, this got totally blown out of the water by Order of the Phoenix.

The Final Ingredient

Summary: When Mercator Snape dies suddenly a man from the Ministry of Magic is sent to investigate.  This one was made redundant by Half Blood Prince.

Hidden Away

Summary: Draco, after the war.  After the recent unpleasantness, some things stay hidden and others come to light.

Contrary To Popular Opinion

Summary: (AU from OOTP onwards) Set ten years after the final battle. The Daily Prophet decides to run a series of articles to mark the anniversary. This makes certain people think.  (Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Hermionie Granger)

Christmas Cards

Summary: Alastor Moody has some traditions at Christmas time, and they give him a chance to reflect on recent events. Spoilers up to the end of Order of the Phoenix.

You Should See Them In Practise

Characters: Oliver Wood / Marcus Flint
Summary: Violence is foreplay and bruises are confessions of love.

Marvel Universe Fan Fiction

Other Film Fandoms

Pirates of the Caribbean fic

Go To Sea Once More

The Pox, The Rum Or The Deep Blue Sea

Reign of Fire

He Who Fights Too Long Against Dragons

Characters: Quinn/Creedy
Rating: 15/R
Summary: Between the dragons and the rest of them, Creedy’s sure that Quinn’s going to go mad, and take him with it.

Love Actually

Hope, Possibly

Characters: Sarah and Karl
Rating: PG - nothing worse than the film.
Summary: If Christmas is a time for family, then New Year's is a time for second chances.


Precision In Everything

Characters: Adrian Veidt
Rating: For Adults Only, NC-17, whatever the regional equivalent of 18 is for your area is.
Warnings: Implied sex with underaged characters. Discussion of same. General possible triggers.
Summary: Everything about Adrian is neat and precise. Why would his computer files be any different?

Christopher Nolan's Batman films

The Man Who Had No Secrets

Characters: Natasha and Bruce Wayne
Notes: Natasha is the other person at the meal where Bruce and Harvey (and Rachel) have their talk in the restaurant.
Rating: PG
Summary: She's known Bruce for too long to think he can hide anything from her.



Characters: Arthur, Mal and Dom Cobb

Rating: PG
Summary: Arthur tries to keep them safe, even while it's all unraveling.

Doctor Who Universe Fanfiction

Anime and Manga Based Fan Fiction

Cannot Kiss

Post-series Hotohori/Nuriko fic, with mentions of Miaka and Chiriko.  There are spoilers for the whole series and it's rated PG.

Miscellaneous TV Fandoms

Seaquest DSV fiction


Pairing: Scott Keller/Tobias LeConte
Rating and Content: PG-13, nothing more than a kiss.
Spoilers: For episodes 38, "Dreamweaver", 42, "Blindsided", and 43, "Brave New World".
Summary: Based on episode 38, Dreamweaver, a background to the story of Scott Keller and Tobias LeConte, mild slash.

Stargate: Atlantis

There Are No Acceptable Losses

Characters: Elizabeth Weir
Rating: PG
Summary: She'll never come to terms with the idea of acceptable losses.

Rome Fan Fiction

Strange Loyalty

Characters: Octavian, Titus Pullo, various plotters.
Rating: Octavian, Titus Pullo, various plotters.
Summary: If there was one thing the plotters could not understand it was the strange loyalty of Octavian's Praetorian Guard

Star Trek Fan Fiction

Buffy Fan Fiction

And This Is Why Dawn Hates Research Jobs

Characters: Dawn.
Rating: G-rated gen
Summary:  Kicking ass runs in the Summers family

Being Human

Coloured Pieces of Paper

Other Fandoms:
Arthurian Legend

This Fire Is Out Of Control

Characters: Isolde and Tristan
Rating: PG
Summary: She burns all the time now, whether it's anger or lust.

Sherlock Holmes-related Fan Fiction

Including fic based on the Arthur Conan Doyle stories, the Jeremy Brett version, the Robert Downey Jr version and Sherlock.

Weisses Blut - Wrestling Fan Fiction

The Ratings System
G- contains neither cuss words, kissing or anything else to upset the neighbours.
PG - contains a kiss or two, and a little, or light, foul language.
PG-12/13 - Serious kissing, with tongues.  Either the foul language is stronger or more frequent.  More adult issues.  Most slash is automatically categorised as this, since I really don't want to offend or upset anyone.
R (or 15)  - Heavier than snogging, but no actual orgasms, or if there are any, they are off-screen.  Or everyone uses a great deal of highly uninventive cursing.  Fiction involving death or off-screen torture/humiliation go here.  Even if it is consensual.  I am trying to avoid offending anyone.
Nc-17 (or 18) - Graphic sex, or enough swearing to put it up there with The Usual Suspects or any Quentin Tarantino film.  The really heavy stuff.
Based on Melle"Femgeek"'s system.

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