Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
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Rating: PG
Date of Review: 9th November 2002
Number of viewings: 1

Dobby looks nothing like what I imagined, yet still good.  And the expressions.

I want to be adopted by the Weasleys.  Really, they're so sweet.

Whoa, Kenneth Branagh doing his deeper than usual voice sounds odd.  Sorry, I've kind of grown up with his voice so it knocked me for six.

Where the heck was the conversation in the shop on Knockturn Alley, and the fight at Flourish and Blotts?

Then again, Jason Issacs was marvellous as Lucius Malfoy.  Really, and they got his hair white not peed in snow colour.  (Sorry, that's the colour of Draco's hair.)

Wheee, someone clued the film-makers into Rupert Grint's ability and they've given him more to do than just stand around.  Ron was definitely the most interesting of the three this time round.

The slug effect was brilliant.  And Hagrid is so sweet.

Moaning Myrtle freaked me out.  Her offer at the end was sweet though.

Well, they cut out my favourite bits (Snape's speech when he finds them(probably because Alan Rickman's performance goes so far beyond hammy that it's not funny) and Lee Jordan's commentary) but they cut out my least favourite bits as well so that's okay.

Someone has watched the pod race once two often.

Love how Hagrid was in the shed.  And Dumbledore looking straight through the invisibility cloak :)

Would comment on the spiders if I hadn't had my eyes closed throughout this part.

If this film compressed the story any more it would be a zip file.

Chamber of Secrets looks nothing like how I imagined it, nor did the basalisk.

Tom Riddle also looks nothing like him, but I will deal.  He's enough to make you want Voldemort to get his body back, and soon.

Yes, Harry, there are many similarities between you and Riddle.  One of them is supposed to be your black hair.  You know, the untidy mop that is constantly mentioned in the books that appears to have changed into an overgrown brown short back and sides for the films.  I know, nit-pick central.

Where the heck was the line about never trusting anything if you can't see it's brain.  Because it is an important line for the next book.

Could the ending have been any more saccharine?  I love sugar when it's done well.  Done badly I start making throwing up noises.

You can tell Lucius Malfoy is bad because he had the evil-guy lighting.  Sorry, but for whole scenes they seemed to light his eyes way more than the rest of him.  I know it's to show his reactions, but damn, overload.

And you can tell he's evil.  He kicks his house elf.  Not that Dobby hitting himself wasn't the most amusing, if very disturbing thing, in the film.  And lots of cheering when Dobby gets freed.  Okay, that's sugar done well.

And Lockheart as silly at the end was most amusing.  As was Snape at the duel.  Was it me or did Snape and Fred and George have nearly no lines what so ever?

Snape was also noticable in not being included in the clapping at the end.  My admiration for the man grows every day.

Filch was also rather wonderful.

A nice touch was the camera going off at the end.  Yes, Colin's been re-vivified, but they don't spell it out.  Three cheers for subtlety.  Other really cool things - the statue of Salazaar Slytherin when the monster comes out has a very similar nose to Riddle.

Quite why Slytherin built the entrance into the Chamber into a girl's toilets is beyond me.  Maybe he thought the heir would be female.

Um, I think that's it.  It was, like Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, good but nothing spectacular.

But hey, at least I got to see the Two Towers trailer again.  And found out that the Dutch word for trailer is preview.

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